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NTU Online Facultyhandbook

Teaching Resources & Related Regulations

No. Item Details Notes
1 New Faculty Orientation Camp This orientation is a three-day, two-night camp held annually in August to familiarize new faculty with the university’s resources regarding administration, teaching, research, and services. website
2 Teacher Empowerment Activities A series of empowerment activities are held during the semester to enhance and diversify instructors’ teaching competencies. website
3 Teaching Practice Research Program NTU assists faculty members who are interested in studying and improving their teaching methods to apply for and implement the Ministry of Education’s Teaching Practice Research Program. website
4 Teaching Observations To facilitate teaching observations and exchanges among instructors, faculty members who have received distinguished or outstanding teaching awards and those who have adopted innovative teaching methods are invited to throw their classes open for peer observation. website
5 Faculty Mentorship The Faculty Mentorship service provides new teachers the opportunity for in-depth discussions on topics such as teaching and research through one-on-one mentorship and experience exchange, through which new teachers can adapt to the new environment more quickly and learn the resources available at NTU. website
6 Faculty Development Group The Faculty Development Group aims to create a support network among teachers through topic-based teacher groups to help NTU teachers explore personal growth as well as to promote cooperation and communication among teachers for creating a healthy work environment for faculty members. website
7 Faculty+: Digital Teaching Instructions A series of audiovisual courses offered to familiarize faculty members with digital editing tools and help them apply these skills to classes.  



8 Future Classroom NTU Future Classroom designed by the Office of Academic Affairs aims to encourage teaching creativity and enhance  efficiency through diverse active learning environment in the hope of discovering more teaching methods. website
9 tPo (Teaching Portfolio) tPo automatically records the teaching history of every faculty member, including the courses offered each semester, student feedback and course evaluations, seminars or workshops offered on campus, and teaching awards received on campus. The End-of-Term Course Evaluations Survey is already digitalized. Faculty members can log into the NTU Teaching Portfolio (tPo) website to check or print their survey results. Website:
10 Teaching Hours Basic weekly teaching hours: 8 hours for professors; 9 hours for associate and assistant professors; and 10 hours for lecturers.


  1. During the time when the Ministry of Education processes the ruling of cases of dismissal, discontinuation of employment, or suspension, the relevant faculty member is prohibited from giving classes, unless otherwise approved by the curriculum meeting of the college (including graduate institute and degree program) and signed by the Dean of Academic Affairs.
  2. Faculty members who fail to fulfill their basic weekly teaching hours should make up the difference within the following academic year. Teaching hours that are not fulfilled will accumulate until they are made up.
Implemented according to the NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY
Guidelines for the Calculation of Full-time Faculty Members’ Weekly
Teaching Hours and Hourly Lecture Fees in Excess of Basic Hours Fees in Excess of Basic Hours
11 Grade Submission Submit your final grades to the Office of Academic Affairs within 10 days after the end date of the Final Examinations specified in NTU’s Academic Calendar. Implemented according to the NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY
Regulations Governing Grade Submission and Correction by Faculty Members
12 Outstanding Teaching Awards for Full-Time Faculty
  1. Awards are presented in the two categories of Distinguished Teaching and Outstanding Teaching. Recipients are publicly recognized and presented with certificates of commendation as well as monetary awards.
  2. Quotas: The quotas for the Distinguished Teaching Awards and the Outstanding Teaching Awards are set respectively at 1% and 9% of the total number of NTU’s full-time and project-appointed faculty.
  3. Additional award quotas are allotted to instructors offering general/liberal education, English-Medium instruction and service-based courses:
    • Distinguished Teaching Awards: The additional quota is 0.5% of the total number of instructors for these types of courses.
    • Outstanding Teaching Awards: The additional quota is 4.5% of the total number of instructors for these types of courses.
Implemented according to the NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY
Regulations Governing the Selection and Awarding of Outstanding Instructors
13 Adjunct Outstanding Instructors
  1. Awards: Outstanding Teaching and Teaching Excellence Awards. The winners shall receive a certificate and a medal.
  2. Eligible candidates: Current NTU adjunct professors who have taught at the University for at least three semesters in the past three years.
  3. Number of recipients: 0.5% of the eligible adjunct professors will be selected as the winners of the Outstanding Teaching Award, and 4.5% of the eligible adjunct professors will be selected as the winners of the Teaching Excellence Award.
  4. The awards shall be governed by the Guidelines for Selecting and Awarding Excellent Adjunct Professors of NTU.