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NTU Online Facultyhandbook

Faculty Benefits

Living Subsidies (teaching and research faculty within the establishment)

(1) Subsidy for marriage
A right of claim shall be extinguished ipso facto if not exercised within ten years following the date on which it may be exercised.

(2) Subsidy for childbirth
Within three months after the date of childbirth, faculty members can apply for two months basic salary as childbirth subsidy.
A right of claim shall be extinguished ipso facto if not exercised within ten years following the date on which it may be exercised.

(3) Subsidy for Children’s Education
If a faculty member has a child who is currently enrolled in a public school registered with the government, between elementary school and college, and the child resides with the faculty member on Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen or Matsu, the faculty member can apply for the child’s education subsidy ranging from NT$500 to NT$35,800 based on the regulations.

(4) Subsidy for spouse or family member’s funeral

Three months within the spouse or family member’s date of death, faculty members can apply for three to five months basic salary as funeral subsidy for the spouse or family member (five month subsidy for parents or spouse, three for children). A right of claim shall be extinguished ipso facto if not exercised within ten years following the date on which it may be exercised.

Department / Retirement, Pension and Insurance Section, Personnel Department
Contact / (02) 3366-5951
Website /

Health Checkup

(1) Faculty health checkup

Teaching and research faculty members within the establishment who are over 40 years old (inclusive) can apply for one health checkup subsidy every two years. The maximum amount for each subsidy is $4,500; further expenses will not be subsidized. For expenses below the maximum amount, subsidy will be provided according to the actual examination fee.

(2) Checkup for level one administrative supervisor, professor emeritus, and teachers within the establishment who are over 60 years old (researchers and professional technical personnel), health checkup at the National Taiwan University Hospital will be arranged based on the application order under fixed funding each year, the checkup is limited to once every two years. The maximum amount of subsidy is $4,500 for level one administrative supervisor and teachers within the establishment who are over 60 years old; professor emeritus is not subsidized. 

Department / Retirement, Pension and Insurance Section, Personnel Department
Contact / (02) 3366-5954, 3366-5952
Website /

Faculty Assistance Program – mental health

(1) The University has signed a contract with Taiwan Institute of Psychotherapy in providing diverse psychological consulting services to faculty and staff (including consultation services of talking sessions, telephone and internet correspondence). The reservation can be made via a toll-free number or email. If necessary, referral to legal and medical services by the Institute can be provided. Confidentiality is strictly observed.

(2) Up to six hours of free consultation service per year is available to every faculty and staff. No personal payment is required for services not exceeding six hours. The Institute will directly submit invoices to the university.

Department / Retirement, Pension and Insurance Section, Personnel Department
Contact / (02) 3366-5956
Website /

National Taiwan University Faculty Medical Cooperation Society

(1) Participation is limited to the teaching and research faculty members themselves who are within the school’s establishment, and their parents, spouse, and children. Applications for membership or discontinuation of membership for the next academic year are handled in December of each year.

(2) Membership fee: NT$600 each year for the faculty members themselves and NT$800 for their spouses each year.

(3) Subsidy standard for medical expenses:

  1. Outpatient services: Discounts are offered for faculty members who visit the school’s Health Center and College of Social Sciences medical room.
  2. Hospitalization: Subsidy is limited to contracted hospitals for National Health Insurance. Subsidy application should be submitted in the same academic year as the discharge from the hospital; the maximum hospitalization subsidy for each faculty member per year is $15,000.

Department / Personnel Department
Contact / (02) 3366-5952
Website /

Condolence Payments for Public Servants

Application for condolence payment of between NT$3,000 and NT$3 million may be filed for teaching and research faculty members within the establishment who are injured, disabled, or have perished in the line of duty.

Department / Retirement, Pension and Insurance Division, Personnel Department
Contact / (02) 3366-5951
Website /

Emergency Loan for Central Civil Servants and Teachers

(1) Application items for teaching and research faculty within the establishment: loan for hospitalization due to injury or illness, loan for illness care aid (for those who are not hospitalized but who need long term treatment and care), loan for funeral expense, loan for major disaster.

(2) Loan amount: maximum NT$600,000.

Department / Retirement, Pension and Insurance Division, Personnel Department
Contact / (02) 3366-5951
Website /

National Taiwan University Faculty Member Public Fund

For those who are injured, hospitalized, become disabled, or have perished in the line of duty can apply for condolence payments ranging between NT$1,500 and thirty thousand.

Department / Retirement, Pension and Insurance Division, Personnel Department
Contact / (02) 3366-5951
Website /

Retirement (teaching and research faculty within the establishment)

  1. Type of retirement:
    1. Voluntary retirement: Teachers with the following condition can apply for voluntary retirement:
    2. Have held the position for more than five years and who are over 60 years old.
    3. Have held the position for 25 years (monthly pension is only available for retirees over 50 years of age)
    4. Retirement out of necessity: teachers who have held the position for five years and who have one of the following conditions should retire:
    5. Over 65 years old.
    6. Unable to hold the position due to mental illness or physical disability.
  2. Pension payment method:
    1. Those who have held the position for over 5 years but less than 15 years will be given a one-time pension payment.
    2. Retirees who have held the position for over 15 years can choose from one of the following payment options:
    3. One-time pension
    4. Monthly pension
    5. Having both 1/2 of one time pension and 1/2 of monthly pension
    6. Having both 1/3 of one time pension and 2/3 of monthly pension
    7. Having both 1/4 of one time pension and 3/4 of monthly pension
    8. Foreign teachers will be given one-time lump sum pension according to personnel regulations
    9. The faculty member’s pension should be paid from the Retirement and Pension Fund established by the joint funding from the government and the faculty members.
  3. Pension Calculation
    1. One-time pension: base salary x 2 x cardinal number (year of service x 1.5)
    2. Monthly pension: base salary x 2 x percentage (year of service x 2%)
  4. Condolence payments: when the person receiving the full monthly pension or partial monthly pension passes away, a one-time condolence payment will be given to the bereaved family, who are the parents, spouse, or children who are minors. If they choose not to have the one-time condolence payment, they can have half of the original monthly pension or half of the partial monthly pension, which will become monthly condolence payments.

Department / Retirement, Pension and Insurance Division, Personnel Department
Contact / (02) 3366-5955
Website /

Relief payment (teaching and research faculty within the establishment)

  1. Faculty members who pass away due to illness or accident or died in the line of duty will be given relief payment to the bereaved family
  2. Payment of relief payment:
    1. Death out of illness or accident:
      Those who have served less than 15 years will be given one-time relief fund and will not be given annual bereaved family relief fund. Those who have served more than 15 years will be given ten year annual relief payment and an additional one-time relief payment.
    2. Death out of statutory reason:
      One-time relief payment (an additional of 25%) and 15 years of annual relief payment; however, in cases of those who risked their lives or died on the battlefield, the annual relief payment will be given for 20 years.

Department / Retirement, Pension and Insurance Division, Personnel Department
Contact / (02) 3366-5955
Website /