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NTU Online Facultyhandbook

Important Regulations from the NTU Academic Policies

  • Important Articles Concerning Instructors from the NTU Academic Policies
    • 2024-06-24

    Article 13
    Students shall select courses in accordance with the University’s Course Selection Regulations and the Course Selection Notice announced for the current semester.

    Article 16
    If a student retakes a course previously passed or transferred with approval, the credits earned will not be counted towards the minimum number of credits required for graduation. This does not apply, however, to departments whose regulations stipulate otherwise.

    Article 22
    All courses shall be graded by course instructors using daily academic performance results, quizzes, midterm examinations, final examinations, and other appropriate evaluation methods. Grades shall be submitted to the online grading system. Once the grades have been submitted and verified, grade submission is complete.

    Students shall go to the responsible academic affairs unit or use the online grade inquiry system to review their course grades 10 days after each semester’s final examinations.

    If a student has questions regarding a grade, they may submit an inquiry to the responsible academic affairs unit. If a student still has questions after it has been confirmed that the grade recorded matches the grade submitted by the course instructor, the student shall inquire of the course instructor directly.

    Article 23
    Students’ grades consist of academic performance and conduct, and are assessed using a letter grading system with the highest grade being A+ and the passing grade being C- (or on a percentage scale, the highest grade is 100 and the passing grade is 60).

    Courses of a special nature may be graded with a pass/fail grading system after passage by a departmental curriculum committee, college curriculum committee, and the Academic Affairs Meeting.

    Students shall not earn credits for courses in which they received a non-passing or failing grade.

    Article 25
    Instructors shall handle all matters related to the submission, late submission, and correction of grades in accordance with the University’s Regulations Governing Grade Submission and Correction by Faculty Members.

    Article 26
    Students who fail to take quizzes, midterm examinations, or final examinations shall receive a grade of X (or a grade of 0 on the percentage scale) for the part that they fail to participate in.

    Article 27
    Students who have received failing grades for one-half or more of the total credits of a semester and subsequently received failing grades for one-third or more of the total credits of the following semester shall be dismissed from the University.

    Article 28
    Any overseas Chinese students, students from Hong Kong and Macau, Mainland Chinese students, international students, Mongolian and Tibetan students repatriated for higher education, indigenous Taiwanese students, students from the offshore islands, students enrolled through the Hope Enrollment Program (including students admitted by application in the Hope category), and students who are the offspring of government personnel stationed abroad who have received failing grades for two-thirds or more of the total credits of a semester and who subsequently received failing grades for one-half or more of the total credits of the following semester shall be dismissed from the University.

    Article 29
    The following students are not subject to Articles 27 and 28 of the Regulations:

    1. Students with disabilities as defined in Article 17-1, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 3 of the Regulations;
    2. Students who do not take more than nine total credits of courses in one semester;
    3. Students with outstanding athletic performance who are admitted by screening through review and test.

    Article 30
    Students who are unable to take a final examination due to official duties, acute illness, death of close family member(s), or other unexpected force majeure event should request a leave of absence from the Office of Student Affairs’ Student Assistance Division in accordance with the University’s Regulations Governing Student Leave Requests. (Students registered at the College of Medicine or the College of Public Health shall make their request through the Branch Office of Student Affairs, College of Medicine.) Students may only take make-up final examinations if the request process for their leave of absence has been completed.

    Article 31
    Make-up final examinations shall be scheduled and held in the following
    semester, not more than two days after classes begin according to the
    academic calendar. Make-up examinations are only given once; students
    who miss their make-up examination shall not be given a second make-up
    Students unable to take their make-up examination due to an emergency
    may present supporting documents and request a leave of absence for the
    semester in which they failed to take the final exam following approval by
    the chair of their home department, the dean of the competent college, and
    the Office. However, the total length of the leave of absence shall not exceed
    that stipulated in the Regulations.
    The score for a make-up examination taken after an absence from the final
    examination due to official duties, illness, childbirth, or the death of a
    spouse or relative within the second degree of kinship shall be calculated
    based on the actual results assessed by the course instructor. However,
    students who are absent from the final examination on approved personal
    leave (except for pregnancy or child care purposes) and who subsequently
    pass the make-up examination shall receive a C– (or 60 on the percentage
    scale) on the examination.

    Article 32
    Article 32 Students found to have cheated on an examination shall be given a grade of X for the examination (or a grade of 0 on the percentage scale) and subject to further disciplinary action including demerits, dismissal, or expulsion depending on the severity of the violation.

    Article 33
    Students who are unable to attend class are required to request a leave in accordance with the Office of Student Affairs’ Regulations Governing Student Leave Requests.

    Article 34
    Missing class without receiving approval for the absence or after the end of the absence shall be counted as an unexcused absence. Each hour of unexcused absence is counted as five hours of excused absences.

    Article 35
    Students whose number of hours absent for a course surpasses a course total of one-fifth of the number of attendance hours required for that course shall have their course grade lowered by one letter grade; students whose number of hours absent for a course total one-fourth of the number of attendance hours required for that course shall have their course grade lowered by two letter grades. If otherwise stipulated by the course instructor, the instructor’s rules shall apply.

    Students whose number of hours absent total more than one-third of the number of attendance hours required for the course during that semester shall receive a grade of X for that course.

    Article 36
    The preceding article does not apply to students who have received approval for an official leave or maternity leave, or who have received approval on a case-by-case basis due to justifiable cause.

    Article 51
    Students who believe their dismissal or expulsion to be unlawful or inappropriate and in violation of their rights may present the relevant supporting documents and file an appeal in accordance with the University’s Student Appeal Regulations, which shall be stipulated separately and submitted to the MOE for approval before implementation.

    Before the result of the appeal is confirmed, students under disciplinary action may submit a written application to continue their studies at NTU in accordance with the University’s Student Appeal Regulations. However, should the appeal be rejected, any grades received after the appeal is filed and before the result is confirmed shall not be recognized.

    Students who are reenrolled after filing an appeal in accordance with the first paragraph but who are unable to be reenrolled immediately due to justifiable cause may apply for a leave of absence during their time away from NTU and prior to their reenrollment. The leave of absence, if approved, will not be counted towards their maximum period of allowed leave.

    Article 87
    Student examination papers shall be retained for one year. However, the period of retention shall be extended as circumstances dictate, such as when the corresponding examination is involved in a grade appeal. Grades submitted by instructors to the Office of Academic Affairs shall be retained permanently.


  • Important Articles of the NTU Course Selection Regulations
    • 2024-06-24

    Article 16
    Methods for adding or dropping a course online after the semester starts are
    in the following three types. Course instructors shall determine the category
    for their courses and announce it on the NOL website in advance.
    Type I: Instructors do not set maximum capacity limit. Students may directly
    add the courses online.
    Type II: Instructors distribute “add authorization codes” and control the
    qualifications and total number of enrolled students. Students may add the
    course online with the authorization code distributed by instructors.
    Type III: Instructors set the maximum capacity limit, and students attempting
    to register for the course may register for them online. The Office of
    Academic Affairs carries out up to four allotments based on the remaining
    seats of each course during the online add period.
    Instructors may ask students to present their student ID and write down their
    student number on the sign-up sheet when distributing course authorization
    codes. In the event that an instructor finds a student add a course without
    authorization, they may notify the competent division of the Office of
    Academic Affairs in writing to cancel the course enrollment records.

    Article 21
    In the following circumstances, students may download the “Form of the
    Instructor’s Consent to Add”, have it signed and approved by the course
    instructor, and submit it to the competent division of the Office of Academic
    Affairs by the stipulated deadline to carry out the manual course add in the
    third week after the semester starts:
    1. Graduating students will not be able to graduate in the current academic
    year without taking this course.
    2. Courses taken in the current semester do not fulfill the minimum credit
    3. Students who intend to take two seminar- or workshop-type courses which
    have the same curriculum number but with different contents.
    4. Other circumstances where the course instructor permits the student’s
    enrollment based on professional judgment.
    In principle, the maximum total number of students after the add/drop period
    in a class shall not exceed the capacity of the classroom by 10%.

    Article 25
    Instructors and heads of academic programs may view the course selection
    results of students in their academic programs online during the course
    selection periods and provide them with counselling as appropriate.

     NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Course Selection Regulations


  • Important Articles of the NTU Student Course Withdrawal Guidelines
    • 2024-06-24

    Article 1
    The National Taiwan University (“the University”) Regulations Governing
    Course Withdrawal (“the Regulations”) are formulated to assist students who
    are unable to continue their studies in certain courses with justifiable cause
    after the end of the course add/drop period.

    Article 2
    To suspend an enrolled course, the student is required to complete a Course Suspension Request with the consent of the course instructor, and submit the request to the Office of Academic Affairs. Exceptions may apply with the approval of the head of the department/graduate institute/degree program and Dean of Academic Affairs under extraordinary circumstances.

    Article 3
    To withdraw from a course, a student must apply three weeks before the final
    examination 3 week, as announced in the academic calendar, at the latest. For
    intensive courses, unless otherwise stipulated by the course, the course
    withdrawal application must be made before completion of the course at the
    latest. However, a student in special circumstances who presents evidence and
    receives approval from the course instructor, the home department/graduate
    institute/degree program, and the Office of Academic Affairs before the final
    examination week shall not be subject to the preceding limitation.

    Article 4
    Course withdrawals are limited to one course per semester. However, this
    limitation shall not apply to a student in special circumstances who presents
    evidence and receives approval from the course instructor, the home
    department/graduate institute/degree program, and the Office of Academic
    After a course withdrawal, the total number of courses taken by a student must
    not be fewer than one (including thesis/dissertation).

    Article 5
    A course withdrawal must still be registered in that semester’s grade report and the student’s permanent academic record with “withdrawal” in the grade column. The credit hours for a course from which a student has withdrawn will not be included in the calculation of total credit hours for that semester.

    Article 6
    Tuition or credit fees paid in accordance with applicable regulations shall not
    be refunded for withdrawn courses, and the outstanding balance shall still be

    NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Regulations Governing Course Withdrawal (Amended on May 27, 2022. To be updated soon.)


  • Nine-digit Student Number
    • 2024-06-24

    (1) Meaning of each digit
    The NTU student ID number consists of one English letter and eight numbers. The meanings of the digits are as follows.

    1st digit: an English letter representing the program in which the student is enrolled:

    Academic Program Degree Type / Code
    Bachelor’s Master’s PhD Mid-Career Bachelor’s
    Regular student B R D E
    Exchange/visiting student T A C  
    Mid-career student   P    
    Industry-University program student   J    
    Direct PhD student     F  
    Mid-career direct PhD student     Q  
    Straight-to-PhD student     D  
    Summer+ Program student H H H  
    High school student K      
    Spring pre-college student S    

    2nd and 3rd numbers: the academic year of first enrollment

    4th number: the code for the college of attendance

    5th and 6th numbers: the code for the department or graduate institute of attendance

    For departments that are combined with a graduate institute, the department and institute codes are “0X” and “1X” respectively for Bachelor’s students and “2X” and “3X” respectively for master’s and PhD students. The department and institute code for independent research institutes that have no bachelor’s students and only master’s and PhD students is “4X.”

    7th number: the code for the division number.

    The code for departments and graduate institutes that have not divided students into divisions is “0”. However, the seventh number of student numbers in which the first number is T, A or C is “1” for university-level exchange students, “2” for college-level exchange students and “3” for self-paying visiting students.

    8th and 9th numbers: the student’s department or graduate-institute division serial number

    (2) Examples

    B05201052: represents a bachelor’s student who enrolled at NTU in the Year 105 on the Republic of China’s Minguo calendar (2016 on the Gregorian calendar), studies at the College of Science in the Department of Mathematics, and has a serial number of 52.

    R05628103: represents a master’s student who enrolled at NTU in Year 105 on the Republic of China’s Minguo calendar (2016 on the Gregorian calendar), studies at the College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, and has a serial number of 52.

  • Offices for Student and Alumni Services
    • 2024-06-24

    Please refer to the office corresponding to the applicant’s identity:

    (1) Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division

    1. Bachelor’s students and alumni of the Colleges of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, Science, Engineering, Bio-Resources and Agriculture, Management, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Law, and Life Science
    2. College of Medicine: First-year bachelor’s students of the School of Nursing and first- and second-year bachelor’s students of all other departments
    3. College of Public Health: First-year bachelor’s students
    4. Continuing education bachelor’s students at all departments

    (2) Graduate Academic Affairs Division, Office of Academic Affairs

    1. Master’s and PhD students and alumni of the Colleges of Liberal Arts, Science, Social Sciences, Engineering, Bio-Resources and Agriculture, Management, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Law, and Life Science
    2. Master’s and PhD students and alumni of the Center for General Education and the School of Professional Education and Continuing Studies

    (3) College of Medicine’s Branch Office of Academic Affairs

    1. College of Medicine: Students in their first or higher year of pursuing the Second Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing; bachelor’s students in their second or higher year and alumni of the School of Nursing, as well as bachelor’s students in their third or higher year and alumni of all other departments; master’s and PhD students and alumni
    2. College of Public Health: Bachelor’s students in their second or higher year as well as members of the college’s alumni; master’s and PhD students as well as members of the alumni

  • Offices for Grading and Transcripts
    • 2024-06-24

    Please refer to the office corresponding to the applicant’s identity:
    College of Medicine’s Branch Office of Academic Affairs

    • Courses offered by the College of Medicine and the College of Public Health

    Graduate Academic Affairs Division

    • Graduate courses excluding the above

    Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division

    • Undergraduate courses excluding the above

    For more information, refer to NTU Student Course Selection Guidelines (in Chinese).