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NTU Online Facultyhandbook

Patent Application and Technology Transfer

Applying for a Patent

(1) Application

Since the “Government Scientific and Technological Research and Development Results Ownership and Utilization Regulations” was enacted, the patent rights to the R&D results of research projects that were subsidized, commissioned, or funded by the government has been released to each host university. The intellectual property rights of the innovations or inventions derived from the research conducted during one’s employment at NTU or from research conducted using university resources are owned by the university unless otherwise stated in signed contracts.

Department / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, Office of Research and Development
Contact / (02) 3366-9945
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(2) Fees and Subsidies

Following the university’s approval, applicants can proceed with the patent application process. The costs for patent application will be subsidized by the university according to the following ratios:

Subsidy /


Expense Ratio

Subsidy from University Expense Paid by Applicant Subsidy from Applicant’s Affiliated Unit (department, institute, college, etc.)
Application with Sponsorship 55% 40% 5%
NTU’s patent related expenses subsidized by agencies 45% 50% 5%

Department / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, Office of Research and Development
Contact / (02) 3366-9945
E-mail /
Website /

Technology Transfer

(1) Application

Whether patented or not, protective measures should be taken for R&D results created using university resources. And, technology transfer and commercialization possibilities should be explored in timely fashion. Technology transfers should be carried out on the principles of compensation and non-exclusivity; domestic manufacturers should be given priority in technology transfers.

(2) Distribution of Premium and Derived Benefits
The income produced from such R&D results which have undergone technology transfer shall belong to the university. The monetary allocation shall be made according to the following percentages after deducting a feedback amount to the supporting research units:

  University’s Profit Share Inventor’s Profit Share Profit Share for the Inventor’s Affiliated Unit (department, institute, college, etc.)
Non-patented Cases 40% 50% 10%
Patented Cases 20% 70% 10%

Department / Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, Office of Research and Development
Contact / (02) 3366-9945
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