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NTU Online Facultyhandbook

Deepening Global Partnerships

The NTU’s integrated platform of global resources not only includes the establishment of a wide array of online services and databases but also involves the University’s provision of subsidies to colleges and other university-level units. The latter’s objective is to assist academic units in furthering academic research and facilitating faculty’s global outreach, and to provide necessary support in international partnerships.

Negotiating and Signing Academic Cooperation Agreements

Negotiation and signing of academic partnership agreements can strengthen bilateral exchange between relevant units of NTU and their foreign counterparts. It is also key to concretizing and specifying areas of cooperation.

1. The NTU Office of International Affairs provides the following services:

(1)  Chinese and English templates of NTU’s academic partnership agreements of all levels;

(2) Consultation and administrative contact for all colleges relating to establishing academic exchanges with international counterparts;

 (3) Consultation on relevant administrative processes of the university;

 (4) Suggestions on drafting relevant agreements; and

 (5) Administrative and professional capability training with respect to academic agreements of the University.

2.  Implementation regulations:

(1) National Taiwan University Directives Governing Academic Partnerships with Foreign Education and Research Institutions.

 (2) National Taiwan University Regulations for the Implementation of Overseas Joint/Dual Degree Programs.

 (3) Ministry of Education: Directives Governing Review of Cooperation between Schools of all Levels in Taiwan and Their Counterparts in China.

Department / Global Engagement, Office of International Affairs
Contact / +886-2-3366-2007
E-mail /
Website / → Cooperation with NTU → a. Agreement Signing b. List of Agreements c. Agreements Search 

Faculty Fellowship Award Programs in Partnership with Foreign Academic Institutions

Award applications are processed according to the agreements signed between NTU and partnering institutions. Applications shall be sent to the NTU Office of International Affairs (OIA) to be compiled and then submitted to the President for recommendation.

1. Faculty fellowship programs:

 (1) Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Fellows Program

 (2) Senior Fulbright Research Grants

 (3) Faculty Exchange Programs

2. Implementation regulations: National Taiwan University Directives Governing Faculty’s Overseas Lectures, Research, and Studies.

Department / Global Engagement, Office of International Affairs
Contact / +886-2- 3366-2007
E-mail /
Website / → Cooperation with NTU → International Funding Project (ADD HYPERLINK)

Reception of International Scholars and Foreign Faculty

As NTU furthers its internationalization and global exchanges, the number of international scholars (i.e. foreign professors and visiting scholars staying for over a month) is on the rise every year. The University provides the following services to hopefully mitigate any inconveniences experienced by the visiting scholars.

1. Services:

 (1) One-stop shop for processing relevant administrative procedures;

 (2) NTU ID Card (issued to those staying for over one month);

 (3) Consultation on insurance matters;

 (4) Pre-visit visa consultation; and

 (5) Services by NTU Student Ambassadors:

a. Airport pick-up

b. Consultation on accommodation

c. Campus tour

d. Assistance in opening a bank account

e. Assistance in daily-life matters

2. Availability:

(1) Services 1-5 are available to international scholars.

(2) Service 5 is available to foreign faculty (contact the Personnel Department for Services 1-3; contact the affiliated department or graduate institute for Service 4).

3. Notes:

(1) Visit OIA website or the office in person to learn more about abovementioned consultation.

(2) To apply for services by NTU Student Ambassadors, fill out and submit your application on OIA website at least one month prior to arrival.

Department / Global Scholar Services, Office of International Affairs
Contact /  +886-2- 3366-2007
E-mail /
Website / → International Scholars

International Guest Reception Resources

In principle, receiving personnel shall spend half a day on the reception of international guests who come to NTU representing foreign academic institutions for short-term academic cooperations. Visit the Office of International Affairs website for information regarding the campus resources for the reception of international guests.

These are part of the FAQs accessible via the OIA website 

Department / Global Alliances Division, Office of International Affairs
Contact / +886-2-3366-2007
E-mail /
Website / → International Guests