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NTU Online Facultyhandbook


  • Delivering and Correcting Final Grades
    • 2024-06-24

    1. Academic records are made up of semester grades, semester grades after make-up exams and summer semester grades for each subject. Make-up exams are administered after students receive approval from the course instructor, department director, and the Office of Student Affairs in accordance with the NTU Student Leave of Absence Application Guidelines.
    2. Semester grades and summer semester grades are determined through such evaluation methods as daily tests, regular exams, mid-term exams, final exams and other methods. The calculation method for semester grades after make-up exams is the same as that for semester grades and summer semester grades with the exception that make-up exam grades are recorded in place of final exam grades. The weighting for which each grade given during a semester accounts in final semester grades is decided autonomously by the course instructor; however, the weightings should be stated clearly in the course syllabus so that students are aware.
    3. NTU began to adopt a letter grading system for the assessment of student grades in the first semester of the 2010/2011 academic year. The 11 grades from high to low are A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, F and X. A grade of C- is a passing grade for Bachelor’s students. A grade of B- is a passing grade for Master’s and PhD students.
    4. Designated courses may be marked with pass or fail after obtaining approval from the relevant departmental curriculum committee and an Academic Affairs Meeting, remaining courses shall be marked with a letter grade.
    5. For students who make up final exams due to having taken a leave of absence for reasons of official duties, illness, childbirth, pregnancy, parenting or the death of a spouse or relative within the second degree of kinship, make-up exam grades will be calculated according to the actual grades determined by the course instructor. For students who make up final exams due to having taken a leave of absence for other reasons approved by the university, the make-up exam grades of Bachelor’s students that are higher than C- will be calculated as C-, and the make-up exam grades of Master’s and PhD students that are higher than B- will be calculated as B-.
    6. Semester grades should be delivered to the Office of Academic Affairs within 10 days starting from the day following the announcement of the conclusion of final exams in the university’s Academic Calendar; semester grades after make-up exams and summer semester grades should be delivered to the Office of Academic Affairs within three days starting from the day following the conclusion of exams.
    7. If the grades of a small number of students remain undetermined during the time period when grades are delivered, instructors are advised to first deliver the grades that have already been determined to the Office of Academic Affairs via the Online Grading System so as to prevent the undetermined grades of a small number of students from delaying the grades of the entire class.
    8. In order to avoid infringing on students’ rights concerning employment, further studies, scholarship applications, changing majors, minor studies, and double majors, instructors who are severely delayed in delivering grades will be reported at an administrative meeting. Instructors who are unable to meet the grade delivery deadline for other reasons should fill out the Grade Late Delivery Application Form and send it to the head of the course-offering department/institute and then to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval.
    9. If an instructor is unable to deliver grades by the required deadline because a semester’s course or internship is only able to be completed during a winter or summer vacation, instructors should, before the end of the semester, notify the Office of Academic Affairs in writing about the actual ending date for the course and the date grades will be delivered late.
    10. Grades may not be modified after being delivered to the Office of Academic Affairs. However, if incorrect grades are delivered due to fault on the part of the instructor, the instructor may apply to correct the grades by filling out a Grade Correction Application Form and attaching relevant verification.
    11. The deadline for the late delivery of grades is within one week after the starting date of classes the following semester as announced in the university’s Academic Calendar. A grade that is not delivered by the late delivery deadline will be recorded as a final grade of X and the ranking compilation process shall proceed.
    12. Grade correction must be completed, at the latest, within the first week after the starting date of classes the following semester as announced in the university’s Academic Calendar. In order to avoid infringing on the rights of other students, if, when the process of correcting a grade is completed, the time for the compilation of rankings has already passed, rankings may not be recompiled.
    13. Instructors will notify students of contact methods before the end of the semester. This is to prevent the deadline for the correction of grades from being missed as a result of students being unable to contact the instructor when they have questions regarding semester grades.
    14. If instructors return tests, homework or reports to students, they should remind students to keep these documents for future reference. Grades may not be corrected if there is a failure to attach verification materials related to calculated grades.


    Regulation / Instructors Delivering & Correcting Grade Guidelines
    Departments and Contacts /
    Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division, Office of Academic Affairs
    (02) 3366-2388 #206
    Graduate Academic Affairs Division, Office of Academic Affairs
    (02) 3366-2388 #405
    Branch Office of Academic Affairs, College of Medicine
    (02) 2356-2192
    Website / These guidelines are only available in Chinese.


  • Printing Teaching Materials
    • 2024-06-24

    1. If materials need to be printed for teaching purposes, please fill out an application form to request printing services for teaching materials from the following units:
      • On the Main Campus, the Office of Academic Affairs Curriculum Division is in charge of printing services.
      • At the College of Medicine and College of Public Health, the College of Medicine’s Branch Office of Academic Affairs is in charge of printing services.
      • For the College of Management’s Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) program, the EMBA Office is in charge of printing services.
    2. Original teaching material manuscripts are limited to the use of A4 and B4 paper sizes, and printing is limited to 50 pages for each request.
    3. The printed teaching materials may be picked up four working days after the original manuscript is delivered to the printing unit. If the printed materials include exam questions, special personnel should be dispatched to deliver and pick up the printed materials on site.
    4. Applications for the printing of teaching materials should comply with copyright laws.


    Regulation / NTU Guidelines for Printing Teaching Materials
    Departments and Contacts /
    Curriculum Division, Office of Academic Affairs
    (02) 3366-2388 #305
    Branch Office of Academic Affairs, College of Medicine
    (02) 2312-3456 #288029
    Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Office, College of Management
    (02) 3366-1018
    Website / These guidelines are only available in Chinese.