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NTU Online Facultyhandbook

Student Counseling & Assistance

  • 1. Student psychological counseling services
    • 2024-06-24

    1. The Student Counseling Center is located in the 1st Graduate Dorm next to the Hall of Joy and Hope. Turn left from Exit 2 of Gongguan Metro Station into Zhoushan Road, make a left at the second intersection, and the center will be on your right (NTU Interactive Map). There is also a Student Counseling Office in the Downtown Campus located in the Counseling Office on 3F of the College of Medicine Library. In addition, NTU College of Social Sciences, College of Law, College of Management, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and College of Science all have a Student Counseling Office with psychiatrist stationed, making mental health resources more accessible for students.
    2. The Student Counseling Center has 26 full-time counselors with professional certification and are assigned to each college. There are 6 full-time teachers at Disability Support Services to provide guidance for students with disabilities in each college. This allows NTU to combine academic advisors at each college and department with the guidance mechanism of the Student Safety Center to provide college guidance, in order to improve case management performance. NTU also hired 26 clinical psychologist or counseling psychologists holding concurrent positions to provide students with professional counseling.
    3. The Student Counseling Center offers a variety of personalized professional counseling and psychological testing services in order to help students better face challenges so as to establish a healthy and positive life and learning attitudes and develop their inner potentials.
    4. The Student Counseling Center administers the Physical and Psychological Adjustment Scale survey to all first-year and transfer students at the beginning of each academic year. The survey allows the center to establish a record of students’ basic mental and physical health information and proactively track at-risk students who are in need of counseling.
    5. The Center organizes lectures, group sessions, and workshops with topics such as self-esteem, stress management, human relationships, career planning, test anxiety, and emotion exploration each semester to help students understand themselves, enhance their self-care capacity, and improve their psychological health.
    6. The Center also organizes the Partner Teacher and Suicide Prevention Lecture each academic year to help faculty members gain knowledge in student care and support.

    Department / Student Counseling Center, Office of Student Affairs
    Contact / (02) 3366-2181~2182
    Website / Visit the Student Counseling Center website for more information.

  • 2. Services for the Disabled
    • 2024-06-24

    For students holding a government-issued physical and mental disability handbook (including students with vision, hearing, physical, emotional, language, or multiple impairments) and students who have received approval through an evaluation and counseling meeting, the Office of Disability Support Services provides a comfortable and welcoming space for learning and conducting everyday activities. The office integrates all counseling services and activities for students with physical and mental disabilities. These services and activities include:

    1. Life counseling: life adjustment counseling, new student counseling, lodging counseling, improvements in accessibility for the disabled, friendship activities, etc.
    2. Academic counseling: schoolwork improvement counseling, learning needs assessments, lending/borrowing of assistive devices and aids, classroom assistance, etc.
    3. Career counseling: occupational information and testing, career counseling and training, information sessions, career transition meetings, etc.
    4. Psychological counseling: individual counseling, personal growth groups, special education awareness promotion, etc.
    5. Other services: the provision of disability support space and equipment, as well as the announcement of information regarding scholarships, student employment opportunities on and off campus, on- and off-campus activities, employment, and overseas studies.

    Department / Disability Support Services, Student Counseling Center, Office of Student Affairs
    Contact / (02) 3366-3236~3239, 3366-1847
    Website / Visit the Disability Support Services website for more information.

  • 3. Center for Student Well-being
    • 2024-06-24

    The Center for Student Well-Being was established in February 2021 to complete a robust student guidance network, providing student guidance officers with a background in counseling and social work stationed in each college. The student guidance officers serve the role of a mobile Office of Student Affairs to provide students with counseling, listening and evaluating students’ needs, and assisting students in accessing resources. It is similar to the concept of a referral hub or merry-go-round, helping handle student issues so that they can adapt to campus life.
    There are currently 9 student guidance officers stationed in the College of Liberal Arts, College of Management, College of Social Sciences, College of Law, College of Bioresources and Agriculture, College of Life Science, College of Science, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering, College of Medicine, and College of Public Health.

    1. Main duties: Integrates resources on and off campus, establish cooperation and communication channels between the Center and teaching units, promote campus life support programs, and assist students in accessing relevant resources, handling their current dilemma, and improving their overall physical and mental health.
    2. Consultation issues: If students need consultation or assistance with respect to adapting to the environment, interpersonal relationships, learning, life planning, finding resources, or any issues with campus life, they may go to the Student Guidance Office or student guidance officer of each college for consultation.
    3. Consultation reservation method: Students can make an online reservation on the website of the Center for Student Well-Being, and can also contact student guidance officers through e-mail.
    4. Cooperating unit: If a course instructor, academic advisor, teaching assistant, or related becomes aware of a student with consultation needs, they may contact the student guidance officer of the college that the student is in and jointly care for the student.

    Department / Center for Student Well-Being, Office of Student Affairs
    Contact / (02)3366-7173
    Website /

  • 4. Student Housing Services
    • 2024-06-24

    1. NTU offers dormitory spaces to local students, international students, overseas Chinese students, and some exchange students. Currently, NTU has 21 student dormitories located on the Main Campus and the Downtown Campus, providing 3,718 spaces for male and 2,999 spaces for female undergraduate students, as well as 1,219 spaces for male and 704 spaces for female graduate students. In addition, the university has cooperated on a build operate-transfer project with Prince Housing and Development Corp. to build Chang-Hsing Dormitory and Shui-Yuan Dormitory, which include five buildings and now provide a combined 3,507 spaces. In all, NTU offers 12,147 dormitory spaces.
    2. The Student Housing Service Division has established Life Learning Centers in dormitory areas. The centers offer freshman seminars and dormitory service learning courses, as well as provide comfortable spaces that facilitate discussion in order to increase interaction between peers and between students and faculty members in the university’s dormitories. In addition, the centers hold a variety of life learning programs to encourage student participation and engagement in dormitory activities.

    Department / Student Housing Service Division, Office of Student Affairs
    Contact / (02) 3366-2264~2268
    Website / Visit the Student Housing Service Division website for more information. 
    Email /

  • 5. Counseling and Assistance
    • 2024-06-24

    1. Financial Support
      • Financial aid and grants: NTU provides tuition and miscellaneous fee waivers, student loans, grants for disadvantaged students, life learning grants, and graduate student stipends to help students concentrate on their studies.
      • Scholarships: NTU offers approximately 250 public and private scholarships as well as four university-level scholarships set up under the categories of aspiration, diligence, achievement, and special education to encourage students to learn proactively, follow diverse pursuits, and earn honors for themselves and the school. In particular, Hope Grants are awarded to 460 students, offering economically disadvantaged undergraduates a grant of NT$40,000,50,000  or 80,000. The quota for Student Encouragement Scholarships is 30, offering a maximum of NT$50,000 to outstanding master’s and doctoral students who are economically challenged.
      • Emergency assistance: This includes student accident insurance and emergency and condolence allowances.
    2. Student Role Models
      NTU offers a range of scholarships to honor outstanding students who have served as role models for their peers by demonstrating integrity, caring for society, and devoting to social welfare. These scholarships include Social Devotion Special Awards, Student Altruism Awards, and Outstanding Youth Awards. In addition, the Student Assistance Division selects and recommends student candidates for the President Educational Award presented by the Ministry of Education.
    3. Citizenship Education
      We introduce legal and civic concepts into life learning on campus and enhance citizenship among students by enforcing a set of rules and regulations for student leave request, administration of rewards and punishments, punishment cancellation and counseling, and filing of student appeals, as well as by holding lectures titled “Royal Palm Required Courses.” In addition, we hold scholarship awarding ceremonies, invite the awarded students, their family members, and instructors to attend the events, express the university’s gratitude to scholarship providers at the events, and develop students’ sense of appreciation and devotion among students.
    4. Scholarships and Grants from the Higher Education Sprout Project for Disadvantaged Students
      These scholarships and grants include International Exchange Scholarship, Life and Meal Allowance, and Academic Learning Grants. Visit the Office of Student Affairs website for more information.

    Department / Student Assistance Division, Office of Student Affairs
    Contact / (02) 3366-2048~2053
    Website / Visit the Student Assistance Division website for more information.

  • 6. Student extracurricular activity counseling
    • 2024-06-24

    1. NTU Orientation Camp
      NTU began organizing First-Year Orientation Camp in the 2008 academic year. The camp helps new students become acquainted with the campus environment and shares learning and living experiences on campus. The camp will be organized as a series of activities in the 2023 academic year, including VR puzzle solving, student club market, student music festival, and special topic lectures, covering course selection guide, green campus, gender friendly, and student club resources.
    2. Student Club Advisors
      NTU has nearly 500 student clubs, including autonomy, academic, recreational, social, general, arts and culture, service, and physical fitness clubs, all energetic clubs with their own features. Student clubs are a very important informal learning course to college students. To guide the healthy development of student clubs and realize the philosophy of holistic education, according to regulations, the dean of each college serves as the advisor of the college-level student association, the director of each department/institute serves as the advisor of the department/institute-level student association, and each student club shall ask a full-time or project-based teacher at NTU to serve as their advisor; student club advisors are reported to and appointed by the president. Student club advisors are unpaid positions. Academic programs have listed experience as a student club advisor as an evaluation item for excellent faculty members.
      NTU had a total of 342 student club advisors in academic year 2023. The duties of student club advisors include advising operations of the student club, attending related meetings, assisting in handling special issues and major incidents during club activities, and assessing a score for the student club based on interactions. Student clubs may only apply for registration of basic information, organize student club activities, borrow venues, activity subsidies, open a Post Office account, or change the account name after obtaining approval from their advisor.
      The Office of Student Affairs periodically organizes “Student Club Advisor Forums” to help student club advisors. Besides summarizing student work and student club guidance, the office listens and responds to the thoughts and recommendations of student club advisors for managing student clubs, allowing administrative units to maintain close contact with teachers and allowing teachers to share their experience and improve their relationships.
    3. The number of service learning courses offered and students taking the courses decreased in recent years due to the impact of COVID-19. A total of 603 service learning courses (including departmental and non-departmental) were offered in 2022, and a total of 9,321 students took the courses. TA training, volunteer basic and special training were also organized. Furthermore, NTU specially planned subsidies for professional and rural area service courses and the cross-field partner project to encourage students to form partnerships with the field they provided services in, encouraging students to utilize their expertise to provide services to rural areas. NTU also organizes “Service Learning and Social Service Team Results Presentations” for students to become responsible, self-disciplined, willing to serve others, and work together to help each other. NTU’s domestic service team mainly provides social services, nature conservation services, and tutoring services, or alumni associations return to their hometown to organize camps on various topics in daily life; service areas are mainly offshore islands and mountain areas; international volunteer services were also provided in the past: “World Volunteer Society” traveled to Nepal to provide services, “Service-Learning In Northern Thailand” provided services in Northern Thailand, and the Medical Campus provided medical services in Ladakh, India.
    4. GTS Taiwan
      GIT Taiwan is an international student forum initiated by the Office of Student Affairs and organized by student groups, which invites scholars and students from home and abroad to engage in keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops on global issues. During the forum, students will discuss among groups to draft up feasible action plans with the help of industrial mentors, through which GIT Taiwan hopes to help students gain a global perspective as well as cross-cultural and international experiences.

    Department / Student Activity Division, Office of Student Affairs
    Contact / (02) 3366-2063~2066
    Website / Visit the Student Activity Division website for more information.
    Email /

  • 7. Career Center
    • 2024-06-24

    The Career Development Center follows NTU’s educational policy when engaging in career guidance, employment competency development, corporate internships, and talent recruitment. It helps students improve their employment competencies in response to environmental trends, enhances their competitiveness in the workplace, and develops them into globalized talent with an international perspective.

    1. National Taiwan University Internship Program (NTUIP)
      NTU organizes a job fair, company presentations, and company visits each year, and established a platform to help companies to recruit suitable talent and for students to have an additional channel to find a job.
    2. Career Exploration and Counseling
      (1) Career Personality Aptitude System
      We help students understand what jobs they are suitable for and where to find employment through CPAS and consultation with a consultant.(2) Resume guidance and interview techniques
      NTU invited senior managers from different industries to serve as consultants and provide guidance for the attributes and needs of different industries, improving students’ resume writing and interview techniques.(3) One-to-one Consultation Services
      NTU invited managers from companies to serve as consultants and provide consultation services, including career consultation, study abroad consultation, industry trends/future employment for the program, resume writing and interview technique guidance, CPAS consultation, and Nine Competencies Star consultation.NTU offers the credit course (Prerequisite course: Prepare for Your Career), which plans special topic lectures and practices for solving issues of companies, so that students will have basic competencies and cross discipline cooperation and communication abilities before internships and employment. This will allow them to plan their career in advance and improve their adaptability to the workplace.Interdisciplinary internship project
      Cooperating enterprises provide cross discipline internship opportunities along with intern advisors to supervise students in cross discipline learning and expanding internship experience, jointly cultivating the talent needed by enterprises.
    3. Vocational development courses
      (1) International Talent Development Experience Camp
      To help students develop globalization competencies and enhance their problem-solving skills, NTU has worked with talent management consulting firms to open courses that teach students how to apply the knowledge they learn in class in a lively and interactive manner. In the classes, students may gain the required skills for jobs, understand and improve their soft skills, and successfully enter the job market.
      (2) Introduction to business administration
      The course is another learning opportunity for students without a business administration background to learn about business administration. The course is an 8 to 9-week course in financial accounting and marketing practices to help students gain business knowledge and strengthen their skills for internships, jobs, and entrepreneurship. The course is a non-credit course that focuses on improving students’ practical skills and teaches them how to compose business proposals and read financial statements. Students who pass the class shall receive a certificate presented by the Office of Student Affairs.
    4. NTUIP Internship Lectures
      • International Talent Development Program
        This program was introduced to cultivate global talents and strengthen our students’ problem solving capabilities. Working in collaboration with a talent management consultant company, the program uses a variety of lively and interactive activities to teach students the necessary skills to be used in the workplace, help them better understand their strengths and capabilities, set their goals for career learning, continue improving their competencies, and make a successful transformation from being a student to becoming a successful professional.
      • Introduction to Business
        In 2015, the Career Center launched two eight-week courses, “Finance and Accounting” and “Marketing Practice,” to help non-business majors interested in starting their own businesses gain internship opportunities and the necessary entrepreneurial knowledge to kick start their own careers. The courses focus on practical skills trainings, which include formulating business plans and reading and interpreting financial statements. While credits are not given, students who report an attendance rate of at least 80 percent and who pass the instructor’s final assessment will be granted a certificate upon completing the course.
    5. Mentoring & Guidance
      • Individual Resume and Interview Mentoring
        The Career Center helps students gain job interview opportunities by providing mentoring on ways to compose resumes that highlight their special talents and strengths so that they stand out from the crowd. The mentors are senior executive and human resources experts invited from different enterprises. Based on their own practical experiences, the mentors address the different attributes and needs for talent among different industries. They also provide one-on-one guidance in resume composition and interview skills according to the qualities and needs of individual students, so as to improve their career competitiveness.
      • Career Counseling Information Sessions: “From Campus to Workplace: Career Q&A”
        The Career Center invites high-level executives from different industries to present lectures in which they reflect on the struggles and accomplishments of their careers. The speakers teach students how to foster appropriate attitudes and broaden their outlooks as well as how to shine a spotlight on their talents in a highly-competitive environment.

    Department / Career Center, Office of Student Affairs
    Contact / (02) 3366-2046~2047
    Website / Visit the Career Center website for more information.
    Email /

  • 8. Overseas and Mainland Chinese Student Assistance
    • 2024-06-24

    1. NTU has 1,756 overseas Chinese students (including students from Hong Kong and Macau), and 356 students from China. The Overseas Students Advising Division assists overseas Chinese students and students from China with studying and adapting to life in Taiwan, helping students adapt to campus life and know what resources are available to them, in hopes that they will successfully graduate and return to their countries.
    2. NTU provides first year students with orientation guidance, various scholarships and assistantships, work-study and work permits for overseas Chinese students, medical insurance, health insurance, and alien resident certificate consultation, and also organizes a variety of cultural celebrations and social events, such as: ancestral worship and overseas student gatherings during Chinese New Year, opening ceremony of the “International Cultural Festival—NTU World Carnival Festival” and culinary exhibition, and the singing contest, Dragonboat Festival celebration, and hiking event for overseas Chinese students and students from China.
    3. Guidance for 7 student clubs for overseas Chinese students and students from China: Malaysian Students’ Association, Hong Kong and Macau Students’ Association, Indonesian Students’ Association, Myanmar Overseas Chinese Students’ Association, Overseas Chinese Students Association, Overseas Chinese Graduate Students’ Association, and Mainland China Student Association. A joint meeting of student club presidents, hand over of club leader of overseas Chinese student clubs, and forums for student club advisors were planned. Annual events of student clubs are subsidized to enrich the campus life of overseas Chinese students.

    Department / Overseas Students Advising Division, Office of Student Affairs
    Contact / (02) 3366-3232
    Website / Visit the Overseas Students Advising Division for more information.
    Email /

  • 9. Student Activity Center Administration Division
    • 2024-06-24

    1. NTU has a 1st and 2nd Student Activity Center to provide venues for student clubs and administrative and teaching units to borrow. In principle, the venues are provided for academic events, art and culture events, celebrations, gatherings, or student clubs. Student clubs are required to submit an application form signed by their advisor to borrow a venue.
    2. Organized the graduation ceremony, which is a major annual event on campus. Since the Division took over the responsibility from the Student Assistance Division in July 2014, it has carefully planned details for graduates, parents, distinguished guests, and teachers to make touching memories during the graduation ceremony.
    3. Arts and cultural activities include NTU ArtFest, NTU joint exhibition of calligraphy and paintings by teachers and students, photosynthesis, and Indescribable, providing faculty members, staff and students with an art space to cultivate their moral character.
    4. The third floor of the 2nd Student Activity Center has coSPACE designed with a compound exhibition area, individual learning area, public reading area, leisure area, stage, and discussion rooms. These space can be borrowed by student clubs and administrative and teaching units to organize events.

    Department / Student Activity Center Administration Division, Office of Student Affairs
    Contact / (02) 3366-3247 ~ 50 (First Student Activity Center)
    (02) 3366-5595 ~ 97 (Second Student Activity Center)
    Website / Visit the Student Activity Center website for more information.
    Email /

  • 10. Indigenous Students Resource Center (Indigenous Students Resource Center)
    • 2024-06-24

    1. The Indigenous Students Resource Center Office was set up on 3F of the 2nd Student Activity Center to provide guidance and services to indigenous students. The office has a projector, coffee machine, cultural relics of indigenous peoples, sofa area, and conference table to provide indigenous students with a comfortable space for counseling and activities.
    2. The “first-year indigenous student guidance and welcoming event” is organized at the beginning of each academic year to help first-year students become familiar with the campus environment, introduce activities of the Indigenous Students Resource Center, and scholarships and assistantships for indigenous students.

    Department / Indigenous Students Resource Center
    Contact / (02)3366-6605 /(02)3366-4354
    Website /
    Email /

  • 11.Dream Field Comprehensive Support Program
    • 2024-06-24

    This program gives priority to a stable life for students to focus on their studies. The Office of Student Affairs provides a variety of learning incentives for economically or culturally disadvantaged students. One-stop online application is provided for all incentives, covering basic guidance mechanisms and specialty guidance mechanisms to develop students with “autonomy, leadership, employment skills, physical and mental strength, and cultural attainment,” so that they become cross-disciplinary talent.

    Includes international exchange incentive, stipend, learning incentive, physical and mental care incentive, and social service incentive. Please see the website of the Office of Student Affairs for details

    Department / Office of Student Affairs
    Contact / (02)3366-2995~2997
    Website /

  • 12. Individual Counseling Service
    • 2024-06-24


    Department / Division of Learning Support of the Center for Teaching and Learning Development, Office of Academic Affairs
    Contact / (02)3366-3367 Ext. no. 557
    Website /

  • 13. Common Courses Tutoring Service
    • 2024-06-24


    Department / Division of Learning Support of the Center for Teaching and Learning Development, Office of Academic Affairs
    Contact / (02)3366-3367 Ext. no. 557
    Website /

  • 14. Academic advising
    • 2024-06-24

    The Office of Academic Affairs Academic Advising Office learned from the academic advising experience oversea, guided their self exploration based on students’ interests and goals, and linked together internal and external learning resources through learning route guidance, peer consultants, and expert thinktank matchmaking, helping students plan courses and accumulate the knowledge and skills they will need in the future to achieve students’ adaptive development.

    Department / NTU Academic Advising Office, Office of Academic Affairs
    Contact / (02)3366-3367 Ext. no. 597
    Website /