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NTU Online Facultyhandbook


1. Mandatory Insurance for Civil Servants and Teachers

  1. Premiums: Monthly premiums for the insured person is the amount insured (basic salary) × 7.83% (rate) × 35% (percentage paid by the insured)
  2. Claimable benefits:
    1. Disability benefits: 6 to 36 months of average monthly insured salary, depending on the level of disability (total disability, “semi-incapacitated” disability, partial disability).
    2. Pension benefits: Faculty members who have retired, been laid off or resigned and cancelled the insurance after paying premiums for 15 years and who are at least 55 years of age may claim pension benefits.
      An insured faculty member who chooses to receive a lump-sum retirement payment is eligible to receive an amount equal to a maximum of 36 months of the amount insured for his or her insurance “coverage years” accumulated before the amendment to the Civil Servant and Teacher Insurance Act took effect on Jun. 1, 2014). As to insurance “coverage years” accumulated after the Act’s amendment, the eligible amount is calculated as follows: for each full year of insurance coverage, the faculty member will receive 1.2 months of the amount insured. The combined number of months of the amount insured to be received as retirement benefits before the Act’s amendment took effect is capped at 42.
    3.  Death Benefits: 36 months of the amount insured will be paid as death benefits for deaths caused in the course of duty. For non-work-related deaths, 30 months of the amount insured will be paid; however, 36 months of the amount insured will be paid to those who have participated in the insurance program for at least 20 years.
    4. Funeral subsidy for dependents: In the event of the death of a parent, spouse, or child, one to three months of the amount insured will be paid.
    5. Subsidy for unpaid parental leave: Monthly subsidy for unpaid parental leave will be provided, starting from the day of leave, to those who have been participating in the insurance program for at least one year and raising a child under the age of three, and who have applied for unpaid parental leave and chosen to continue the insurance coverage. The monthly benefits are calculated as follows: 60% of the average monthly insured salary of the six-month period prior to the date of parental leave. The maximum possible number of monthly payments is six.
    6. Childbirth benefits:
      a. Eligibility: Beginning from Jun. 1, 2014, an insured is eligible for the benefits if any one of the following conditions applies:
       (a) Having paid insurance premiums for Civil Servant and Teacher Insurance coverage for at least 280 days before giving birth;
       (b) Having paid insurance premiums for Civil Servant and Teacher Insurance coverage for 181 days before giving birth with a premature delivery;

      b. Benefit payment and calculation standards:
      The monthly benefits are calculated as follows: Average monthly insured salary of the six-month period prior to the date of occurrence of the insurable event.
      Amount of benefits: An insured faculty member eligible for childbirth benefits will receive two months of the amount insured.

2. National Health Insurance (mandatory social insurance)

  1. Regular insurance premiums (out-of-pocket monthly payments): Amount insured monthly (full pay [basic salary + academic research fee + managerial allowance] × 4.91% (rate) × 30% (percentage paid by the insured) × (the insured + number of dependents insured). (Note: Three dependents or more are calculated as three.)
  2. Supplemental insurance premiums: If a faculty member has received bonuses, part-time income, assignment income, or rental income from the University, personal supplementary insurance premiums based on the supplementary insurance rate (which is 1.91% starting from 2016) shall be deducted from the earnings.
  3. Coverage: During the period in which the insurance coverage takes effect, benefits shall be paid to the insured in the event of a disease, injury, or childbirth.

Group insurance:

A faculty member interested in group insurance coverages may visit the Personnel Department’s website for more information: (Miscellaneous Services → Group Insurance programs) for a list of optional group insurance programs.

Department / Retirement, Pension and Insurance Division, Personnel Department
Contact / (+886) 2-3366-5951 Government Employee and Teacher Insurance
(+886) 2-3366-5952 National Health Insurance
(+886) 2-3366-5956 Group Insurance
Website /