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NTU Online Facultyhandbook

Overview of Outstanding Teacher Service Award

  1. Purpose: The award is established to encourage faculty’s involvement in social services within and outside of the University. It is also an acknowledgement of their efforts and contribution for rendering said services. Current faculty members (including those jointly appointed or retired) who are able to render said services or do so through academic expertise in addition to routine teaching and research efforts and who have achieved outstanding performance through such efforts may all be considered as eligible candidates.
  2. Award categories and recipients: The award comprises two categories, namely “Outstanding Social Service Award” and “Outstanding University Service Award.” Up to eight candidates in each category may be selected. Of these candidates, up to three in each category may be selected for “Distinguished Social Service Award” and “Distinguished University Service Award.”
  3. Selection method
    • Each department or graduate institute may submit their recommendation of up to one candidate (or one team) respectively for social service and university service to the parent college for review by the end of March every year. Each college may select up to two faculty members (or two teams) from respective departments and submit the list for final selection by the University before the end of April.
    • The selection committee of the Outstanding Teacher Service Award formed by the University shall render their decisions on the recipients of the Outstanding Service Award and Distinguished Service Award by the end of May.
  4. Award categories
    • Distinguished Teacher Service Award: Winner of this award will receive a plaque and prize money of NT$200,000.
    • Outstanding Teacher Service Award: Winner of this award will receive a certificate and prize money of NT$40,000.
    • Award recipients will be publicly commended and their outstanding services will be publicized in pamphlets by the University to encourage same efforts.

Legal basis/ National Taiwan University Regulations Governing the Establishment of Outstanding Teacher Service Award
Office/ Assessment Division, the Personnel Department
Tel/(+886) 2-3366-5942
Relevant regulation/