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NTU Online Facultyhandbook

Research Project Subsidies

  • Industry-University Cooperation Program, Government Research Grants, and Commissioned Projects
    • 2024-06-24

    In step with the advancement of national culture, economic construction, and science and technology, the Office of Research and Development handles the overall planning, coordinating, and promoting of NTU’s industry-university cooperation programs, government research grants, and commissioned projects. The aforementioned programs, grants, and projects refer to different forms of cooperation with government agencies, enterprises, civic organizations, and academic research institutions. The university divided these programs, grants, and projects into the following four types according to their collaborators:

    1. National Science and Technology Council Project
      — Handled according to the National Science and Technology Council Project Subsidy Guidelines.
    2. NSTC-Subsidized International Collaboration Projects
      Handled according to the “NSTC Must-knows for International Cooperation Add-on Programs Under Bilaterial (Multilateral) Agreements,” “NSTC Directions for Subsidizing Technology Cooperation under Bilateral Agreements,” “NSTC Directions for Subsidizing Task-oriented Teams to Conduct Research Overseas (Dragon Gate Program),” NSTC Directions for Subsidizing Scholars in Gaining International Influence (Polish Program),” and “NSTC Request for Successful Participation in Scientific Research and Innovation Programs of EU International Teams.
    3. Research projects subsidized or commissioned by the government agencies, such as the Council of Agriculture and Ministry of Health and Welfare
      — Handled according to the Cooperative Education Project Guidelines, regulations on subsidies or projects commissioned by government agencies, and the contracts signed by the parties.
    4. Industry-academia collaboration projects with corporations and private enterprises
      Handled according to the Cooperative Education Project Guidelines and the contracts signed by the parties.
      –The project’s funding institution is not a government agency (e.g. corporations and private enterprises):

    Department / Division of Research Project Affairs, Office of Research and Development
    Contact /  (02)3366-8835 (application for research space on Shuiyuan Campus), 3366-6510-2 (research projects on main campus)
    Email /
    Website /

  • Academic Research Grants for New Faculty
    • 2024-06-24

    Academic research grants are awarded to new faculty members, in accordance with the NTU Guidelines for New Faculty Research Project Grants, to help them establish an independent research environment as quickly as possible and to encourage them to undertake all types of academic research and implement the Higher Education SPROUT Project.

    1. New Faculty Founding Research Grant
      As of 2021, various research grants for new faculty (including founding research, founding project and space implementation grants) have been integrated and new regular full-time faculty members and research fellows may apply to the ORD for this combined grant during their first year of service. Each applicant may submit at most one application, and, if the grant is approved, funding will be available until the applicant’s first anniversary at NTU. Each person is limited to one application only. The subsidy period is 1 year. The initial funding consists of (1) workspace funds and (2) teaching and research funds.
      (2) Teaching and research funds (the amount of subsidies based on positions and colleges are as shown in the table below):


      Sponsoring unit Budgeted item Instructions for Funding Use
      Office of
      General Affairs
      Funding for Facilities for General Administrative work 1. May be used to purchase general administrative equipment and facilities (e.g., bookshelves, desks, refrigerators, sofas, coffee tables, and coffee machines).


      2. Allocated funding should be capped at NT$15,000.

      Funding for the Renovation of Teaching and Research Facilities 1. May be used for improving research space (such as classrooms, research rooms, and laboratories), as well as renovation and repairs.


      2. Total funding for general administrative facilities and renovation of teaching and research space is capped at NT$150,000.

      B. Teaching and research funds (the amount of subsidies based on positions and colleges are as shown in the table below)

      Sponsoring unit Budgeted item Instructions for Funding Use
      Office of Research and Development Teaching and research funds 1. The funding is for research equipment, devices, or book purchasing only. The funds cannot be used for general administrative facilities, workspace repairs or overseas traveling expenses.


      2. The compilation of funding shall be in accordance with the following categories: Research equipment (capital), personnel expenses, and general expenses (current). The funds may be cross-year compiled based on the needs for the execution of projects; the execution period is limited to 1 year.

      Amount of funding:




      Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, Management, Law, Center for General Education Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Bioresources and Agriculture, Public Health, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Life Science, Management (Information Management and Business Administration), International (based on the nature of programs)
      Associate Professor or above NT$800,000 A NT$150,000 NT$1,200,000 A NT$150,000
      B NT$650,000 B NT$1,050,000
      Assistant Professor NT$600,000 A NT$150,000 NT$1,000,000 A NT$150,000
      B NT$450,000 B NT$850,000
      Instructor NT$400,000 A NT$150,000 NT$600,000 A NT$150,000
      B NT$250,000 B NT$450,000
    2. Research project grant:
      A regular full-time assistant professor or assistant research fellow within the first year of their employment at NTU is eligible to apply for a research project grant within three months of being awarded a Research Project Grant from MOST. The amount of the NTU grant is 50% of a MOST Research Project’s first year general operating expenses, less the NT$300,000 pre-approved for founding research funding, and capped at NT$2 million (which includes the aforementioned NT$300,000). The funding will be provided up to one year and only one grant is awarded to each applicant. If an applicant has been awarded two or more MOST Research Project Grants, only one of them will be considered for the purpose of applying for the University’s research project grant.

    Department / Division of Strategic Planning, Office of Research and Development
    Contact / (02) 3366-6627
    Email /
    Website /

  • Academic Research Career Development Research Projects
    • 2024-06-24

    The program is to incentivize NTU faculty members to commit to their long-term research of originality in important fields and thus achieve full research potential, with the hope to help NTU lead research in cutting-edge and important fields. In accordance with the Guidelines for Approving Grants to the NTU Higher Education Sprout Project: Academic Research-Career Development Project, the program offers two types of projects:

    1. Laurel Research Projects: Proposed within 3 months after receiving the NSTC’s Research Program for Talented Young Scholars.
    2. Sprout Research Projects: NTU scholars at or under the age of 45 with full research potential are eligible to apply.

    (1) Application time frame

    a. Laurel Research Projects: Submit application within 3 months after subsidies for the NSTC’s Research Program for Talented Young Scholars are approved.

    b. Sprout Research Projects: Applicants must apply within the time limit announced by the Office of Research and Development.

    (2) Qualifications for Sprout Research Projects

    a. To qualify for principal investigator, the applicant must be the principal investigator of at least 1 NSTC research project.

    b. In principle, full-time faculty members and research fellows of NTU may only participate in one research project planned by the Office of Research and Development.

    3.Application method
    The principal investigator must upload related documents and the following documents to the online application system for research projects of the Office of Research and Developmen before the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted. Incomplete and non-compliant documents are not accepted. Only applications for the humanities and social sciences category may be written in Chinese, applications for all other fields must be written in English, and application documents shall include

      1.  Approved project budget list of the NSTC Research Program for Talented Young Scholars (applicable to Laurel Research Projects)
      2. Grant Proposal (Applicable to Sprout Research Projects)
      3. Personal information of the principal investigator (Applicable to Sprout Research Projects)
      4. Most representative or relevant academic publication in the 5 years before the application deadline (up to 5 publications per person, applicable to Sprout Research Projects).

    If applications for Research Projects of Newly Recruited Teachers and Laurel Research Projects under the NSTC Research Program for Talented Young Scholars are approved at the same time, only one may be chosen. If an application has already been for a research project, then the applicant may not apply for a Laurel Research Project that year.

    Department / Division of Strategic Planning, Office of Research and Development
    Contact / (02) 3366-3268, 3366-6631
    Email /
    Website / Laurel Research Projects , Sprout Research Projects

  • Innovative Collaboration Projects between NTU and Academia Sinica
    • 2024-06-24

    This project is launched to strengthen the academic collaboration between NTU and Academia Sinica, enhance their global visibility and international influence, promote joint innovation projects with their own funds, and rapidly assert their global academic leadership.

    1. Eligibility: Researchers or full-time faculty members of the established units of NTU and Academia Sinica.
    2. Subsidy principles:
      1. NTU and Academia Sinica are each responsible for half of the total amount granted to a project. The maximum amount for each project is NT$4 million per year.
      2. In principle, the collaboration project will last two years.
      3. NTU will give priority to projects that are focused on intercollege or interdisciplinary collaboration, highly innovative, and probable to lead the R&D direction in that related field.

    Department / National Taiwan University and Academia Sinica Joint Program Office
    Contact / (02) 3366-9447
    E-mail /
    Website /

  • Excellence in Key Advantages Program
    • 2024-06-24

    To pursue academic excellence, NTU encourages teachers to cooperate, communicate, and integrate resources, hoping that they may have breakthrough discoveries in key research topics and publish their results in top international academic journals, becoming world-famous research teams and strengthening the leadership of NTU in academic research.

    1. Projects of different scopes
      1. University-level research team integrated research project.
      2. Excellent team integrated research project (core research team).
      3. Add-on International Cooperation Program.
    2. Application timeframe:
      Applicants must apply within the timeframe announced by the Office of Research and Development.

    Department / Division of Strategic Planning, Office of Research and Development
    Contact / (02) 3366-3266、(02)3366-6627
    E-mail /
    Website / Excellence in Key Advantages Program (core research team).
    Add-on International Cooperation Program

  • International Research Collaboration Projects
    • 2024-06-24

    1. To enhance its international visibility and become a key academic research hub in the world, NTU encourages its full-time teachers and research fellows to participate in pioneering and innovative research projects with world-class academic research teams from different countries.
    2. Project scope and subsidy principles:
      1. If international scholars recruited by NTU participate in the research center or laboratory jointly established with a renowned international institution, NTU may reach an agreement with the foreign institution to jointly fund the research center or laboratory.
      2. The maximum subsidy amount for projects that receive subsidies from the NSTC for the promotion of bilateral cooperation programs (subsidies of NT$2 million or more) is NT$500,000 in principle.
      3. The subsidies for research projects of NTU that have strategic alliances with world-class foreign universities shall be the same as the allied foreign universities and determined based on the contents of the research projects.

    Department / Division of Strategic Planning, Office of Research and Development
    Contact / (02) 3366-6632
    E-mail /
    Website /

  • Interdisciplinary Seed Project
    • 2024-06-24

    Faculty members and research fellows with different academic specialties are encouraged to engage in interdisciplinary research based on the spirit of seed projects, and explore forward-looking innovative research ideas or key issues; conduct innovative research that originated in NTU to create a feature of NTU’s research and development.

    1. Research topics: Select suitable topics from reports on interdisciplinary exchanges within NTU in the past six months to make an open request for proposal.
    2. Application timeframe: Applicants must apply within the timeframe announced by the Office of Research and Development.

    Department / Division of Strategic Planning, Office of Research and Development
    Contact / (02) 3366-6627
    E-mail /
    Website /